The consortium of ‘’One Love, One Drum: Drumming For Inclusion’’ has met in Paris, in February, for the second Transnational Meeting of the project.
The meeting itself had the purpose of finalizing all the content to be included in the course, to debate digital platforms to use for the course and the Batala Mundo platform and to discuss the digital transition of Batala.
The conversations were very rich and fruitful and it was clear the path the project was taking. We were able to fully define the shape of the results to be presented, in specific, the drumming course in regards to number of videos, the pedagogical aspects, the type of videos, tunes to be taught as well as format of recording. A prototype had been done by Batala Atenas and debriefed by all the participants in order to produce the best videos possible to teach percussion to the public.

Regarding the digital platforms, a wide variety of options were discussed which led us to the final streaming platform services we will be using as well as the shape and functionalities of the digital platform that will support the digital transition of the network.
We remind you that the project ‘’One Love, One Drum, Drumming for Inclusion’’ is an European Project under Erasmus+ programme, in specific, the KA227 – Partnerships for Creativity (Youth Education). This project was born within the International community of BATALÁ MUNDO which promote cultural diversity and inclusion. Three of its members will be part of the consortium driving the project: Batalá Paris (Association Batucada), Batalá Athens (Batalá Atenas Non Profit Organization) and Batalá Braga (Costumes Convergentes Associação).
The “One Love One Drum: Drumming for Inclusion” project is a cutting-edge project, aligned with the priorities of Key Action 2 of the Erasmus + Youth in Action Program. Its main objective is to produce a pedagogical tool that should become a powerful educational tool in the area of non-formal education, for the social inclusion of groups of young people marginalized and / or excluded from society using percussion and rhythm as one of the tools which are already used regularly by the partner organizations that belong to the cultural worldwide movement BATALÁ MUNDO.
Stay tuned for further developments of the project and be sure to get in touch with us in case you would like to contribute to the implementation of this project!